As per reports, the city of Santiago faces power outages due to rain and strong winds on Friday (02 August). According to information from the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuel ( SEC ), at 1050 hours local time there are 724,971 customers without electricity. According to information provided by the SEC, the most affected commune of the RM is Maipú, with 56,495 customers without electricity, while the least affected is San Miguel with 11,878 customers.
The communes and the number of residents that are affected by the power outages are:
• Peñaflor: 30,673 customers.
• Recoleta: 21,622 customers.
• Father Hurtado: 14,793 customers.
• Talagante: 12,487 customers.
• Cerro Navia: 13,432 customers.
• Conchalí: 14,350 customers.
• Vitacura: 15,775 customers.
• Independencia: 27,585 customers.
• San Bernardo: 16,445 customers.
• La Reina: 13,989 customers.
• Quinta Normal: 12,124 customers.
• Central Station: 12,835 customers.
• Lo Barnechea: 17,131 customers.
• Cerro Navia: 44,700 customers.
• Pudahuel: 48,741 customers.
• Puente Alto: 17,586 customers.
• Quilicura: 38,926 customers.
• Maipú: 56,495 customers.
• Lampa: 31,691 customers.
• Las Condes: 56,211 customers.
• Florida: 24,556 customers.
• Renca: 19,967 customers.
• San Miguel: 11,878 customers.
• Macul: 15,914 customers.