Weather warnings issued for Chile starting Tuesday (11 June) - datasurfr


As per reports, the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED) has issued updated weather forecasts for Santiago and the Biobío Region, predicting severe storms, heavy rainfall, and strong winds starting from Tuesday (11 June). These adverse weather conditions are expected to cause significant disruptions, including flooding, power outages, and road closures.

• From afternoon to evening on Wednesday (12 June) strong gusts of winds exceeding 45 kilometres per hour (kmph), and heavy rainfall is expected in Santiago.
• On Thursday (13 June) the storm will reach its peak intensity, with wind speeds exceeding 60 kmph and rainfall expected to exceed 75 millimetres (mm). The zero isotherm level, indicating the altitude at which precipitation turns from liquid to solid, will rise to between 4,200 and 3,500 meters, increasing the risk of snowfall in higher elevations.
• On Friday (14 June) isolated thunderstorms may occur, and rainfall will continue but at reduced intensity. Wind speeds are expected to decrease to around 30 kmph.
• In response to the imminent threat posed by the weather conditions, the Biobío Region is currently under a red alert as of Tuesday (11 June). Heavy rainfall is likely, with totals potentially exceeding 100 mm over the course of the storm. Wind speeds are anticipated to reach up to 70 kmph, exacerbating the risk of property damage and power outages.
• SENAPRED has issued evacuation orders for Bella Vista, San Pedro, and Las Rocas, due to the overflow risk of the Carampangue River.


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