Water supply disruption scheduled in Bogota on Tuesday (26 March) - datasurfr Water supply disruption scheduled in Bogota on Tuesday (26 March) - datasurfr


As per reports, the Bogotá Aqueduct and Sewer Company (EAAB) is scheduled to carry out maintenance work at the Alsacia Avenue Line on Tuesday (26 March).

For the execution it will be necessary to suspend the service in the sector located from 13th Street to 8th Street between Boyacá Avenue and the Bogotá River.

• The neighborhoods without service are expected to be: Villa Alsacia II, Interindustrial, Nuevo Techo, Visión de Oriente, El Vergel, Vereda Tintal Rural, El Tintal IV, La Magdalena, La Pampa in the town of Kennedy.
• There will be tank truck service, which can be requested at Acualínea 116.
• Additionally, the work is expected to conclude around 1200 hours on Tuesday (26 March).


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