Water supply disruption announced in parts of Sao Paulo on Monday (06 January) - datasurfr Water supply disruption announced in parts of Sao Paulo on Monday (06 January) - datasurfr


As per reports, the Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, Basic Sanitation Company of the State of São Paulo (Sabesp), announced water shortages for Monday (06 January) in neighborhoods in Santo André, São Bernardo, Diadema, and São Paulo. The alert was issued following a leak in a water main in the Baeta Neves neighborhood, which caused the formation of a crater on R. Amâncio de Carvalho in São Bernardo.

• The area, isolated since Saturday (04 January) between Cravinhos and Cruzeiro streets, has impacted both traffic and the water supply in the region.
• According to the company, at least 77 neighborhoods in São Bernardo, 33 in Santo André, 16 in Diadema, and 23 neighborhoods in the South Zone of the capital will remain affected.
• According to Sabesp, affected residents are advised to use the water stored in their residential reservoirs responsibly.


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