Water cuts scheduled in Heredia on Tuesday (06 February) and Thursday (08 February) - datasurfr

LowCosta Rica2024-02-06T00:00:00Z

As per reports, 63000 people are expected to experience water outages that are scheduled in the province of Heredia, as announced by the Heredia Public Services Company (ESPH), on Tuesday (06 February) and Thursday (08 February).

The details are as follows:

• Water cut is scheduled in Concepcion de San Rafael de Heredia between 0700 hours to 1500 hours local time on Tuesday (06 February).
• In the case of the districts of San Josecito and Santiago, the suspension of the service will be from 0900 hours to 1700 hours local time.
• On Thursday (08 February), residents of Santa Lucia de Barva will experience water outages from 0700 hours to 1500 hours local time.


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