Volkswagen issues strike warning for Monday (09 December) - datasurfr


As per reports, Volkswagen (VW) employees including those in Saxony (Dresden, Chemnitz, and Zwickau), are expected participate in a nationwide warning strike on Monday (09 December).

• This action coincides with the fourth round of collective bargaining negotiations between VW and IG Metall in Wolfsburg.
• The strikes are a response to unresolved disputes over proposed wage cuts, potential plant closures, and layoffs. The union aims to pressure VW into reconsidering its demand for a 10 percent wage reduction amid ongoing challenges for the company.
• The Saxon VW sites, including the Transparent Factory in Dresden, the Engine Plant in Chemnitz, and the Zwickau vehicle plant, will temporarily halt production.
• Over 120,000 employees across VW AG plants and 10,000 employees at VW Saxony are expected to be directly involved in the strike.


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