As per reports, traffic diversions have been announced from Saturday (04 May) in the Shivaji Nagar area, Pune, due to metro construction work. The traffic arrangements are expected to be in place till the completion of the work.
• Veer Chafekar Chowk to N.T.Wadi K.B. Joshi Marg Chowk route will become one-way for all vehicles.
• Closure of the road entry from Veer Chafekar Flyover to Shimla Office Chowk.
• Closure of the road leading to Simla Office Chowk from Veer Chafekar Chowk via Fergusson College Road.
• Closure of the entrance from Nata Wadi Chowk to Chafekar Chowk.
• Closure of the entry from Barve Chowk to Shimla Office Chowk to Shivajinagar Railway Station.
• Closure of access from Shivajinagar Railway Station ST stand circle to the wadi.
• Vehicles heading from Shimla Chowk to Pune University L.I.C. Chafekar flyover should use the side route.
• Implementation of no-parking zones for all vehicle types on Veer Chafekar Chowk to N.T.Wadi Chowk to Shimla Office Road.