Road closure scheduled in Klamath Falls, Oregon from 08 July - datasurfr

LowUnited States of America2024-07-08T00:00:00Z

As per reports, a section of U.S. Highway 97 in Klamath Falls, Oregon, will be completely closed for six weeks starting from 08 July, to facilitate a bridge replacement project. Detour routes have been designated to guide drivers around the closure.

• The closure is necessary for crews to replace the Pelican Bridge as part of the U.S. 97: OR 58-California Border Bridge Retrofits project. This initiative aims to enhance the seismic resilience of bridges along U.S. 97, ensuring the highway’s viability as a critical north-south route following a major earthquake.
• Northbound traffic on U.S. 97 will be redirected via Cross Road and OR 39, while southbound traffic will exit at OR 39/Crater Lake Parkway and Cross Road. The detour is estimated to add 10 miles to the journey with an approximate delay of 18 minutes.


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