Protest by long-distance drivers reported at Bernal Triangle on Tuesday (06 August); threats of blocking Buenos Aires-La Plata Highway issued - datasurfr


As per reports, in Bernal Oeste, Quilmes, dozens of long-distance buses were halted at the Bernal Triangle during early morning hours on Tuesday (06 August). Drivers gathered to demand an extension of the useful life of vehicles affected by the pandemic. The Buenos Aires Police deployed resources to prevent protesters from advancing on the Buenos Aires-La Plata highway towards Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA).

• The protest leaders, including representative Rolo, emphasized their demand for a two-year extension on buses affected by the pandemic, specifically including 2020 model buses. The transporters claim that 1,200 buses are out of service, impacting 2,400 families and bus owners.
• In response, the Buenos Aires Police set up checkpoints on the Pueyrredón Bridge and near the Usina del Arte to block any attempt by the buses to reach the intersection of 09 de Julio and San Juan avenues.
• The buses remain stopped at the Bernal Triangle, creating traffic congestion in the area. The demonstrators criticize the government’s response, alleging that it focuses more on repression than resolution.


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