Power outages scheduled in neighborhoods of Bogotá on Monday (08 July) - datasurfr Power outages scheduled in neighborhoods of Bogotá on Monday (08 July) - datasurfr


As per reports, due to service adjustments, Enel Colombia is carrying out maintenance work on Monday (08 July), in the following neighborhoods of Bogota:

• From 0800 hours to 1700 hours local time, from Carrera 101 to Carrera 103 between Calle 70 and Calle 72 in the Alamos neighborhood of Engativá.
• From 1400 hours to 1800 hours local time, from Carrera 31 to Carrera 33 between Calle 06 to Calle 08 in the Pennsylvania neighborhood of Aranda Bridge.
• From 0800 hours to 1700 hours local time, from 146th Street to 148th Street between 53rd Street and 55th Street in Barrio Victoria Norte of Suba locality.
• From 0830 hours to 1730 hours local time, from 73rd Street South to 75th Street South between 77th Street and 79th Street in San Bernardino neighborhood of Bosa locality.
• From 0815 hours to 1715 hours local time, from 48th Street South to 50th Street South between 80th Street and 82nd Street in Gran Britalia I neighborhood of Kennedy locality.
• Until 1730 hours local time, from Carrera 26 to Carrera 28 between Calle 25 Sur to Calle 27 Sur in Santiago Perez neighborhood of Rafael Uribe locality.
• Until 1200 hours, from 22nd Street South to 25th Street South between Carrera 4 and Carrera 6 in Granada Sur neighborhood of San Cristobal locality.
• From 0900 hours to 1700 hours local time, from 22nd Street South to 25th Street South between 4th Street and 6th Street in Granada Sur neighborhood of Usme locality.
• From 0900 hours to 1700 hours local time in La Alemanha Brewery – Las Violetas Rural Neighborhood of Usme locality.
• From 0900 hours to 1700 hours local time in Kilometer 11 old Villavicencio road – Los Arrayanes neighborhood of Usme locality.


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