Power outages reported in parts of Chile on Thursday (23 May) - datasurfr


As per reports, the Superintendency of Energy and Fuels (SEC) reported that there are more than 16 thousand customers who are without electricity supply throughout Chile as of Thursday (23 May) morning.

• Heavy rainfall in the region has created challenges for both power companies and rescue teams. Additionally, strong winds and falling trees have contributed to these difficulties.
• Further rainfall is anticipated in the afternoon on Thursday (23 May).
• As of 0702 hours (local time) on Thursday (23 May), more than 12 thousand outages have been reported in Santiago Metropolitan Region (Región Metropolitana de Santiago).
• Power cuts have been reported in parts of La Araucanía, Tarapacá, Nuble, Valparaíso, Coquimbo, The Rivers, Maule, The Lakes, O’Higgins, and Biobío as well.


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