Orange and yellow alerts for thunderstorms issued across Portugal through Sunday (30 June) - datasurfr Orange and yellow alerts for thunderstorms issued across Portugal through Sunday (30 June) - datasurfr


As per reports, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) predicts heavy rainfall with hail, thunderstorms, with the possibility of convective gusts across Portugal through Sunday (30 June).

• Orange warning will be in effect till 1500 hours local time on Friday (28 June) in the three districts of Viseu, Aveiro and Coimbra.
• On Friday (28 June), yellow warning will remain in force until 1800 hours local time in Guarda, and until 2100 hours local time in Leiria, Castelo Branco and Portalegre.
• For Saturday (29 June), scattered rainfall is expected especially in the northern and central regions, but with less intensity than in previous days, with no precipitation expected from Sunday (30 June) afternoon onwards.


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