KPU to announce vote count results on Wednesday (20 March); increased security likely - datasurfr


As per reports, the General Elections Commission (KPU) will determine the results of the 2024 elections on Wednesday (20 March). The KPU will complete the vote recapitulation of the two remaining provinces, namely Papua and Papua Pegunungan.

• The government of Jakarta will implement distance learning for some schools in Central Jakarta. Head of the Education Sub-Department for Region I of Central Jakarta Rahayu Asih Subekti confirmed that schools in four sub-districts implemented distance learning for two days; Tuesday and Wednesday (19-20 March).
• The four sub-districts are Sawah Besar, Menteng, Gambir, and Tanah Abang. Meanwhile, Kemayoran, Senen, Johar Baru and Cempaka Putih sub-districts will only implement distance learning on Wednesday (20 March).
• A group known as Joint Alliance of College Students, Youth, and students were also scheduled to hold a demonstration in front of the Indonesian Parliament Building in Central Jakarta on Wednesday (20 March).
• The Head of the Public Relations Department of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Ipda Ruslan Basuki confirmed the demonstration and stated on Sunday (17 March) that it was to begin at 1100 hours. Around 10,000 people are expected to join.
• Police have also stated that there were several demonstrations at the Indonesian KPU building and the Indonesian MPR/DPR ahead of the announcement of the 2024 election recapitulation results. A total of 3,055 joint personnel were alerted in front of the KPU and DPR. Around 1,910 personnel have been deployed at the Indonesian KPU and 1,145 personnel at the DPR/MPR.
• So far roads around the Indonesian KPU office, including Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto are normal. If necessary, traffic flow will be diverted later as per situational requirements. Jalan Imam Bonjol; the road in front of the KPU office is under strict vigilance by authorities.


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