Inclement weather forecast for parts of New Zealand on Monday and Tuesday (02-03 September); flight delays at Auckland Airport - datasurfr

MediumNew Zealand2024-09-02T00:00:00Z

MetService issued severe weather and rainfall warnings for parts of New Zealand on Monday and Tuesday (02-03 September). Following is the latest weather forecast:

• MetService issued an orange heavy rainfall warning for the Canterbury Headwaters south of Arthur’s Pass from late Monday (02 September), along with a heavy rainfall watch for the ranges of Westland and the Otago headwaters.
• An orange wind warning was issued for the Canterbury High Country from Monday (02 September) evening and a strong wind watch for Wellington and Wairarapa south of about Carterton was in place for Tuesday (03 September).
• Airlines are working through a backlog of delayed flights at Auckland Airport due to thick fog in the city. About 37 regional flights were cancelled and many others others delayed, with eight main trunk domestic flights also delayed after restrictions were put in place at the airport just before 0200 hours. Fog restrictions were lifted later on Monday (02 September) morning, and flights unable to take off due were departing, but passengers faced delays. Auckland Airport has stated that international flights were not affected.


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