Disruptive weather conditions to continue in Italy through Sunday (03 March) - datasurfr Disruptive weather conditions to continue in Italy through Sunday (03 March) - datasurfr


As per reports, the Italian Meteorological Department has issued multiple warnings for disruptive weather affecting parts of the country on Sunday (03 March). The conditions are variable due to the presence of cyclonic conditions in the Mediterranean region.

• Disruptive rainfall is likely in the North, Tuscany, Liguria, and Sardinia, with snowfall above 1,000-1,400 meters in the Alpine range and northern Apennines.
• Strong winds are expected to move from the southern quadrants, reaching stormy levels in Sardinia, the Upper Tyrrhenian Sea, and Liguria.
• In the evening hours of Sunday (03 March) rainfall is expected in Campania and Sicily.
• Detailed list of all weather warnings issued can be accessed through the interactive dashboard on the official website of meteorological department (https://mappe.protezionecivile.gov.it/it/mapperischi/bollettino-di-criticita/).


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