Disruptions expected in Germany due to farmer protests on Friday (12 January) - datasurfr


As per reports, around 1500 farmers have scheduled demonstrations on Friday (12 January), in Kiel, with multiple convoys of tractors and other heavy vehicles expected to converge from different starting points.

Significant disruptions to traffic are anticipated along various routes leading to Kiel.

• Tractors and other heavy vehicles are expected to converge in the city from Eckernförde, Gettdorf, Groß Wittensee, Dätgen, Grevenkrug, Rendsburg, Wasbek, Hanerau-Hademarschen, Jevenstedt, Alsen, Osterstedt, Bredenbek, and more.
• Routes affected by the slow movement of the convoys are B76, B77, B203, B430, as well as state roads and county roads.
• Columns of vehicles are expected from Trenter Berg via Schönkirchen and Klein Barkau towards Kiel (B76, B404, B502).
• Additionally, columns from Fahrenkrug via Wahlstedt, Rickling, Trappenkamp towards Bornhöved, Wankendorf to Klein Barkau (B205, B430) are expected.
• Convoys are expected from Fuhlendorf via Neumünster, Bordesholm, and Grevenkrug (B205, B430).
• The demonstrators are scheduled to converge on the parade ground in Kiel, starting at Westring and proceeding through the northern part of the city.


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