Demonstration for International Women's Day scheduled in Madrid on Friday (08 March) - datasurfr Demonstration for International Women's Day scheduled in Madrid on Friday (08 March) - datasurfr


As per reports, a large scale demonstration is scheduled in Madrid on Friday (08 March) for International Women’s Day.

• There will be two demonstrations and each one will take a different route.
• There is the one organized by the 8M Commission and the other under the slogan Prostitution is not a job will lead the protest of the Madrid Feminist Movement.
• The protest begins at 1900 hours local time. The meeting point is Atocha. From there, it goes to the Plaza de Colón along the Paseo del Padro and Paseo de Recoletos.
• The march called by the Feminist Movement of Madrid is also scheduled at 1900 hours local time from Cibeles towards Gran Vía.


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