Brush fire reported in Sebring, Florida on Sunday (14 April) - datasurfr Brush fire reported in Sebring, Florida on Sunday (14 April) - datasurfr

LowUnited States of America2024-04-14T00:00:00Z

As per reports, Highlands County Fire Rescue responded to an active brush fire scene near the south end of Sun ‘n Lake of Sebring on Sunday (14 April) afternoon.

• Reports indicate that the brush fire is estimated to be 55 acres in size.
• An evacuation order was in place for all homes on Granada Boulevard between Edgewater Drive and Ortego Street and 20 duplexes were evacuated. The evacuation order was likely around 1625 hours local time. Schumacher Road was closed.
• The Sun ‘n Lake community center on Edgewater Drive was opened by the district for those who evacuated their homes or could not return to their homes.


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