Alerts for rainfall and possible flooding issued in parts of Mexico City on Tuesday (25 June) - datasurfr


As per reports, 12 municipalities in Mexico City are on alert for rainfall and possible flooding through Tuesday (25 June).

• A Yellow Alert has been issued for Álvaro Obregón, Azcapotzalco, Benito Juárez, Cuajimalpa, Cuauhtémoc, Iztacalco, Miguel Hidalgo, Milpa Alta, Tláhuac, Tlalpan, and Venustiano Carranza, indicating expected rainfall between 15 to 29 millimeters and wind gusts ranging from 50 to 59 kilometers per hour.
• An Orange Alert has been issued for Gustavo A. Madero, indicating anticipated rainfall between 30 to 39 millimeters.
• Flooding has been reported around Adolfo López Mateos Avenue, La Palma neighborhood and Gustavo A. Madero.
• A landslide also occurred on Río de los Remedios avenue, corner with Acueducto, located in the San Juan neighborhood and Guadalupe Ticomán area of Gustavo A. Madero.


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