As per reports, adverse weather conditions are forecast in parts of Mexico on Friday (12 January).
• Heavy rainfall expected in regions of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco and Veracruz.
• Minimum temperature of upto minus 15 degrees Celsius with frost is expected in the mountains of Chihuahua, Durango and Sonora.
• Cold wind gusts of 80 to 100 kilometers per hour (km/h) and waves of two to four meters (m) high are expected on the coasts of Tamaulipas and Veracruz, and wind gusts of 50 to 60 km/h with waves of one to two m high during the night are expected on the Tabasco coast.
• Gusts of 60 to 80 km/h is expected in the Isthmus and Gulf of Tehuantepec, with gusts of 40 to 60 km/h anticipated in Campeche, Quintana Roo and Yucatán.
• Wind gusts of 70 to 90 km/h with dust storms are forecast in Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas.
• Minimum temperature of upto minus 10 degrees Celsius expected in areas of Baja California, Coahuila, Zacatecas, State of Mexico, Hidalgo, Puebla Sinaloa and Tlaxcala.
• Maximum temperature of up to 40 degrees Celsius are expected in Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Guerrero, Michoacán, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Yucatán.