As per reports, the Telangana Gig and Platform Workers Union (TGPWU), affiliated with the Indian Federation of App-Based Transport Workers (IFAT), announced on Sunday (14 April) its intention to continue the ‘NO AC’ campaign, despite pressure from cab aggregator companies such as Ola, Uber, and Rapido.
The union also stated that in the absence of addressing their demands, they will collaborate with trade unions from other cities, with support from their affiliated local members, including the Sarvodaya Drivers Association in Delhi, Expert Drivers Solution in Haryana, Karnataka App-based Drivers Union in Bengaluru, West Bengal Online Cab Operators Guild in Kolkata, Independent App-based Cab and Driver’s Association in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan Gig And App Based Workers Union in Rajasthan, and Maharashtra Rajya Rashtriya Kamgar Sangh in Maharashtra.