Inclement weather forecast for parts of the US through Saturday (06 January) - datasurfr Inclement weather forecast for parts of the US through Saturday (06 January) - datasurfr

LowUnited States of America2024-01-03T00:00:00Z

As per reports, a winter weather system forecast is likely to impact the East Coast of the US over the weekend, bringing a mix of snowfall and rainfall from the southern Appalachians to the Northeast on Thursday (04 January).

• The National Weather Service in New York City predicts a low probability of snowfall for the city, with significant snowfall anticipated in areas west and north. The immediate metro area is likely to experience a mix of rainfall and snowfall, potentially leading to light accumulations in New York City, northeastern New Jersey, and central and northern Connecticut.
• Low pressure is likely in New Orleans in Louisiana, and flash flooding is expected from Lake Charles in Louisiana to Tampa in Florida. Heavy rainfall is expected in Shreveport in Alexandria and Baton Rouge in Louisiana and Gulfport in Mississippi on Wednesday (03 January).


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