As per reports, a fire occurred in the vicinity of Constantia Nek, which was brought to the attention of authorities around 0130 hours local time on Sunday (28 April). It started near Window Buttress and is moving towards Kirstenbosch Gardens, fanned by a strong south-easterly wind.
• The Fire and Rescue Services Department announced that they earlier had an aerial support, however the strong winds necessitated the resources which were to be grounded around 0830 hours local time on Sunday (28 April).
• As per latest reports, some gains were made due to settling wind conditions by afternoon hours and the staff was released from Kirstenbosch Gardens and posted higher up along the mountains.
• There were still hotspots along the lower slopes that remained inaccessible as of 1815 hours local time on Sunday (28 April).
• Crews from the Fire and Rescue Service of the city Cape Town are expected remain on site overnight to monitor the situation and respond as required.