As per reports, the City of Calgary has implemented a water reduction advisory as of Friday (19 April), urging residents to reduce water use to manage water supply in the Bow and Elbow Rivers.
• Residents are advised to limit outdoor watering to early morning or evening and to a maximum of four hours per week and limit shower time, run full loads of laundry and dishes, fix leaky faucets indoors.
• In June, the city plans to update the water utility bylaw and introduce a permanent outdoor watering schedule to support a transition to outdoor water restrictions.
• The Government of Alberta has also finalized water-sharing agreements, including one for the Bow River Basin, to address drought conditions. If the Bow River water sharing agreement is put into force, Calgary is committed to implementing drought response measures to achieve a five to 10 percent reduction in overall water use.
• The full advisory can be found here:—this-spring-lets-make-every-drop-count-in-calgary/.