Kerala petrol pump workers announce strike on Sunday (31 December) and Monday (01 January 2024) - datasurfr Kerala petrol pump workers announce strike on Sunday (31 December) and Monday (01 January 2024) - datasurfr


As per reports, petrol pump owners and workers in Thiruvananthapuram have announced a strike and closure of petrol pumps from 2000 hours on Sunday (31 December) till 0600 hours of Monday (01 January 2024). The protest is to demand justice and protection against night-time attacks and theft of petrol by gangs and miscreants, particularly on the Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSTRC) ‘Yatra’ 24-hour petrol facilities across the state.

They further announced that if authorities fail to take action by 2200 hours of Monday (01 January 2024), then the All-Kerala Federation of Petroleum Traders (AKFPT) will unanimously stop operating petrol pumps at night across the state, and continue operations on a 1000-2200 hours basis. The AKFPT have demanded similar legislation for protection of petrol pump workers as was demanded by doctors and medical staff earlier this year.


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