As per reports, rainfall is expected in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi; Greater Jakarta on Friday (05 January) according to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency’s (BMKG) weather forecast. Rainfall intensity may vary from light to heavy with thunderstorms and strong winds.
• Specifically, West Jakarta and North Jakarta have a chance of light rainfall in the morning, afternoon and thick clouds in the evening. Central Jakarta, East Jakarta, and South Jakarta may have thick clouds in the morning and evening and light rainfall in the afternoon.
• Bogor city and regency areas, including Cibinong, Cisarua, and Gadog, are also forecast to experience rainfall with greater intensity than Jakarta in the afternoon and evening. In the morning, the weather will be partly sunny.
• Similar to Bogor, the weather in Depok City will be cloudy in the morning, followed by moderate rainfall in the afternoon and light rainfall in the evening.
• In Tangerang, the agency predicted thunderstorms in Serpong, South Tangerang in the afternoon after drizzle in the morning. Tangerang City and Tigaraksa will also be showered by light rainfall.