The Pune traffic police announced that heavy vehicles, including trailers, containers, multi-axle vehicles, and articulated vehicles carrying various goods to and from Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad, Solapur, Ahmednagar, Satara, and Mumbai, will be experimentally prohibited from entering the city starting Tuesday (05 March). These measures aim to alleviate traffic congestion observed across the city due to ongoing metro and flyover projects. The official advisory can be availed at
Accordingly, the following changes and alternative routes have been designated to redirect heavy traffic.
• Access to Pune city from Wagholi has been closed for 24 hours from Pune Nagar Road.
• Vehicles coming from Pune Solapur and Pune Saswad Road will face a 24-hour closure from Hadapsar Noble Hospital Chowk to Kharadi Bypass Chowk.
• Vehicles coming from Pune Solapur Road should take a right turn from Theur Phata and proceed via Theur, Lonikand, Shikrapur.
• Vehicles coming from Pune Saswad Road should take a U-turn at Hadapsar and take a left turn at Theur Phata and proceed via Theur, Lonikand, Shikrapur.
• Entry of heavy vehicles is prohibited between 0700 to 2300 hours on the several routes and should avail following diversions:-Vehicles going from Pune Solapur Road to Satara, Mumbai will take a left turn at Hadapsar and take a right turn at Mantarwadi Phata from Saswad Road and take a right from Khadi Machine Chowk to Katraj Chowk to Satara or Navle Bridge to Mumbai. – Vehicles coming from Saswad should take the left turn from Mantarwadi Chowk and use the above route.- Vehicles coming from Mumbai will take a left turn at Navale Bridge to Katraj Chowk. – Vehicles coming from Satara will take a left turn from Katraj Chowk to Khadi Machine Chowk Mantarwadi Chowk and take a left turn towards Solapur via Hadapsar and take a right turn from Mantarwadi Chowk to Saswad (Pune).
• Further, all types of heavy vehicles will be closed for 24 hours to enter the inner city from the following locations. – Solapur Road Noble Hospital Chowk- Ahmednagar Road Kesnand Phata Wagholi- Mumbai Pune Road Harris Bridge- Auudh Road Rajiv Gandhi Bridge- Baner Road Hotel Radha Chowk- Pashan Road Ramnagar Junction- Poud Road Chandni Chowk- Sinhagad Road Vadgaon Pul Chowk- Satara Road Katraj Chowk- Saswad Road (Bopdev Ghat Marg) Khadi Machine Chowk- Katraj Mantarwadi Bypass Road Undri Chowk- Alandi Road Bopkhel Phata Chowk