Adverse weather conditions expected in parts of South Africa on Tuesday (02 January) - datasurfr Adverse weather conditions expected in parts of South Africa on Tuesday (02 January) - datasurfr

LowSouth Africa2024-01-02T00:00:00Z

As per reports, adverse weather conditions have been forecast in parts of South Africa on Tuesday (02 January).

• In Gauteng, occasional rainfall or thundershowers may be expected. The ultraviolet B (UVB) sunburn index is predicted to be very high, meaning there is a significant risk of sunburn.
• In the Western Cape, temperatures as high as 22 degrees Celsius are expected, except around the south coast region. The UVB sunburn index is also predicted to be very high.
• In the Northern Cape, temperatures as high as 27 degrees Celsius with a fire danger have been predicted.


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